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What Are the Benefits of Traditional Braces?

September 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — ortegaortho @ 10:15 pm

It seems like there are more options to straighten your teeth with each passing year, so selecting the one that suits you best can be challenging. Even as clear braces are gaining in popularity, traditional braces still have their own benefits. As you consider your method of treatment, read on to hear from your orthodontist in Jacksonville about when traditional metal braces are still the optimal selection for a straighter smile.


Can I Get Braces on Only the Top?

August 12, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — ortegaortho @ 1:24 am

Model of traditional bracesFew people have naturally straight teeth. If you didn’t hit the genetic jackpot or you’ve experienced orthodontic regression, your orthodontist can fix gapped, rotated, or overcrowded teeth with traditional braces. They’ll create the healthy, attractive smile you desire, no matter the severity of your alignment concerns. If you only have a few teeth out of position on the top or bottom, you may be wondering if you need to waste time and money treating both arches. Although you may not believe you need braces for the top and bottom, single-arch treatment is rare. While it’s entirely possible to put braces on just one arch, here’s why your orthodontist will advise against it. 


4 Helpful Tips for Preventing Orthodontic Emergencies

July 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — ortegaortho @ 10:04 pm
Woman with braces smiling.

Emergencies can happen when you least expect them; and they often happen when it’s least convenient, too! That said, one of the biggest inconveniences you can experience if you have braces is an orthodontic emergency. Whether it’s a broken wire or bracket, a lost retainer, painful mouth sores, or some other type of oral injury, these situations can be alarming; after all, your smile is at stake! But luckily, orthodontic emergencies can easily be avoided with a little knowledge and forethought. Here are four helpful tips for preventing orthodontic emergencies and keeping your treatment progress right on track.


5 Tips for Getting through the First Week with Braces

May 27, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — ortegaortho @ 7:38 pm
girl drinking smoothie in front of green background

If you have just had braces put on, or are getting ready for the big day soon, congratulations! This is an exciting time. You will be used to wearing braces before you know it – and then it will be time to get them off! But just like with anything else, there is usually a bit of an adjustment period right after you get the hardware put on. Keep reading for 5 tips to help you get through your first week with braces. 


Is There an Upper Age Limit for Invisalign?

April 13, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — ortegaortho @ 12:58 pm
mature woman smiling after Invisalign in Jacksonville

Have you always wanted to have a straighter smile? If you didn’t get orthodontic treatment when you were younger, you might assume that you’ve missed your opportunity. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. You’re never too old to begin straightening your pearly whites, especially with Invisalign. Read on to learn why this treatment can still be an option for you and about the benefits you’ll be able to enjoy!


4 Reasons to Fix Your Overbite

March 7, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — ortegaortho @ 5:58 pm

Dentist showing how Invisalign worksDid you know crowded or gapped teeth aren’t the only reasons people need braces? The positions of your teeth are important for more than just an attractive smile. They can affect the relationship between the upper and lower arches. Although bite problems can take many forms, an overbite is a common concern. Humans have a slight overbite naturally. However, if the top teeth extend over the bottom arch too much, it can cause serious complications to your oral health and quality of life. Here are 4 reasons to consider fixing your overbite.


What You Should Know About Dating with Invisalign

February 8, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — ortegaortho @ 12:06 am
people with Invisalign on a Valentine’s Day date

Are you taking a special someone out on a date this Valentine’s Day? If so, you may be thinking about how to make the best possible impression. Even if you’re already well acquainted with them, those who wear Invisalign may find that it changes the dating scene a bit. To help you and your date enjoy the day to the fullest, read on to learn everything you need to know about dating with Invisalign.


6 Interesting and Fun Facts About Braces

January 11, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — ortegaortho @ 6:09 pm
young woman with metal braces

When you think of orthodontic treatment, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? For most people, it’s a mouth full of metal wires and brackets. Braces are one of the most traditional and widely used methods of straightening teeth. Although everyone knows them for their ability to give you a straighter smile, there are other interesting things about them that aren’t common knowledge. That said, here are six little-known, interesting, and fun facts about braces you probably didn’t know!


Does Your Child Need Phase 1 Orthodontics?

December 17, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — ortegaortho @ 2:12 pm
Small girl with braces looking up

Usually, the ideal age for braces is considered to be between 10 and 14. However, some children get braces as early as age 7 as part of Phase 1 orthodontics. Not every child needs this treatment, but choosing to begin orthodontic treatment early can save them (and you, the parent) a lot of time and trouble later. Is Phase 1 orthodontics right for your child? In order to answer that question, you should carefully consider the following.


How the iTero® Digital Scanner Improves Orthodontic Care

November 19, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — ortegaortho @ 5:49 pm
 iTero scanner machine in a dental office

If you haven’t visited an orthodontist since you were a child, you may be surprised to see just how much has changed in a relatively short amount of time. Technology has transformed the way that orthodontists approach different aspects of the orthodontic process. One notable difference is how impressions are taken. Whereas orthodontists once had to rely on odd-tasting, messy dental putty, now they can use systems such as the iTero® Digital Scanner to create more reliable digital models of the teeth and gums. Read on to learn more about how iTero is used in orthodontics in Jacksonville.

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