Having braces alters your lifestyle. For the most part the goal of having a straight, healthy smile makes the slight discomfort of not chewing gum, or eating candy apples an easy choice. Sometimes, however, orthodontic mishaps do happen and can severely affect your treatment. Here at Ortega Orthodontics, we’re ready to fix any of your problems. Should you run into an orthodontic emergency, here’s what you should do:
Broken Bracket: A broken bracket is a common nuisance that should be fixed as soon as possible. Teeth can shift adding time to your treatment, and discomfort in your mouth. If the bracket is still on the wire, leave it there until your appointment. If it falls off completely, hold onto it and bring it in.
Broken Wire: Broken wires are extremely uncomfortable and need to be put back in place. If left out of place they can cut the inside of your mouth and cause extreme discomfort. Even worse, a broken archwire can derail an entire treatment and will be scheduled immediately for repair.
The Non-Emergency
Scraping and Scratching: When you first get your braces, it takes time to adapt to the feeling in your mouth. They are abrasive, but you’ll get used to them. This is not an emergency. Apply wax over the brackets to ease the discomfort.
If you have any questions about orthodontic emergencies, or would like to know more about when you need to schedule an emergency visit, don’t hesitate to call!