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Orthodontic Emergencies — Jacksonville, FL

Fast Relief For Patients in Need

Patient having braces adjusted

Please contact Ortega Orthodontics as soon as possible should you break or loosen any of your appliances. Call our orthodontic office before coming in so we can make the time to treat you properly. If you already have an appointment scheduled, please let us know that you will need repair during your visit. If you experience an orthodontic emergency outside of our office hours, contact our answering service, and we will get back to you as soon as possible. We provide fast relief for patients in need, so don’t wait to give us a call.

Why Choose Ortega Orthodontics for Emergency Orthodontic Care?

  • Same-Day Emergency Appointments Available
  • Experienced Orthodontist with Advanced Training
  • Dental Insurance Welcome & Flexible Financing Available

What to Do in an Orthodontic Emergency

Teen with braces holding cheek

The Most Common Orthodontic Emergencies

It’s not always easy to tell if you’re experiencing an orthodontic emergency. We encourage you to give us a call if your orthodontics are broken or loose, if you’re experiencing a lot of oral pain, or if you have any other symptoms that are worrying you. When you give us a call, we’ll help assess your situation over the phone and determine how urgently you need to be seen. Then we’ll schedule your appointment and give you personalized first-aid instructions until you can reach us. Here’s some important information about handling a few of the most common orthodontic emergencies we treat:

Learn More About Handling Orthodontic Emergencies

What Are the Best Ways to Care for My Orthodontics At Home?

Teen cleaning between braces

How to Prevent Orthodontic Emergencies

Smiling young boy in orthodontic chair

A few simple habits are all you need to save yourself from having to make an unexpected trip to the orthodontist:

Orthodontic Emergency FAQs

A young person pointing to their mouth and cringing in pain while wearing braces

Are you dealing with a broken braces bracket? Do you know what to do to avoid an orthodontic emergency? Do you know how to address the problem of losing your retainer? These are common questions answered by dentists and orthodontists all the time. To ensure you have all the information you need throughout your treatment and even after you’ve completed your time wearing braces, here are some frequently asked questions you can refer to. If you have additional inquiries or need to schedule an appointment, don’t hesitate to contact us.

When Should I Go to the ER for an Orthodontic Emergency?

Most orthodontic emergencies are easily managed by an orthodontist and their skilled team of professionals. From broken and loose brackets to soft tissue irritation and serious dental pain, you can expect to visit your local orthodontist’s office for help. However, if you experience severe facial trauma that results in a broken or fractured jaw, continuous bleeding from the mouth that does not cease after 15-20 minutes of applied pressure, or increased swelling around the mouth, jaw, or throat, you should get to your local emergency room for immediate medical attention.

Do I Have to See My Orthodontist Right Away?

When facing a dental emergency of any kind, it is always best to seek care as soon as possible, even if you believe it’s nothing serious. Oftentimes, when damage or injury occur, especially while wearing braces, you could be faced with a problem that is undetectable to the naked eye. It will take a skilled and trained professional to carefully examine your appliances and oral cavity to ensure there are no bent wires, loose brackets, or protruding pieces that could cause additional harm to your teeth and/or gums. Avoiding professional help could potentially lead to worsening problems that cause more time and money to be spent fixing the issue.

What Should I Do If I Have an Orthodontic Emergency While Traveling?

Don’t wait to seek help. Find a local orthodontist who can immediately get you in and offer timely and effective treatment. It is best if you address the problem sooner rather than wait until you return from your trip. This will not only allow you to enjoy the rest of your time away, but it will prevent additional problems from developing. You will need to make sure that you contact our office, though, to ensure we are informed of the injury. Based on the information you provide, we will be able to determine if you should come in for an exam after you return.

Will Dental Insurance Cover My Orthodontic Emergency?

All dental insurance companies are different, so how they handle orthodontic emergencies will be dependent upon your plan and any stipulations or exclusions stated within your policy. To know if your visit will be covered by insurance, make sure to contact an insurance representative and explain the situation. If you are unsure what to ask or how to handle the situation, feel free to ask a member of our dental team to work on your behalf.

More to Explore

Traditional Braces Clear/Ceramic Braces Lingual Braces (Incognito) Orthognathic Surgery Phase I Pediatric Orthodontics Invisalign® & 3M Clarity Aligners Dentofacial Orthodontics Orthodontic Appliances Adult Treatment View Our Services


Is a Toothache an Emergency? Any orthodontic treatment that exerts enough pressure to shift your teeth has the potential to cause some discomfort. For instance, it’s normal to feel an aching or sore sensation when you bite down, especially if your braces or aligners are new or have just been adjusted. However, if you have severe or persistent pain that only gets worse and your tooth looks dark or discolored, you should be seen as soon as possible.

How You Should Handle Toothaches: If it doesn’t fade after a few days, contact us and let us know. Depending on your situation, we might schedule you for an appointment or recommend that you see your standard dentist. Usually, it’s safe to take over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen or Tylenol to address aches and inflammation. You could also apply a cold compress to that side of your face for a temporary, numbing reprieve, or rinse with warm salt water to disinfect your mouth and try to dislodge any stuck debris.

Loose Bracket

Is a Loose Bracket or Wire an Emergency? Loose wires and brackets generally don’t cause much discomfort and may not require immediate attention. However, they can hinder your treatment progress so it’s best to call us sooner rather than later so we can make the necessary adjustments to ensure you stay on track.

How You Should Handle a Loose Bracket or Wire: If a wire or bracket has become completely lost or dislodged, try to locate it and store it somewhere safe so you can bring it with you to our office. If you have a loose bracket that is still in place, you can try putting a small amount of orthodontics wax over it to anchor it more firmly. Typically, it’s not too difficult for our team to reattach and restabilize your orthodontics.

Broken Wire

Is a Broken Bracket or Wire an Emergency? This scenario likely needs to be addressed more urgently than a bracket or wire that’s come loose because broken orthodontics can potentially lacerate your gums, lips, tongue, or the insides of your cheeks. Don’t try to glue or repair anything at home; you might do more harm than good, and many household supplies are toxic when ingested. Instead, contact us right away and we’ll schedule an appropriate time for you to come in.

How You Should Handle a Broken Bracket or Wire: Collect any missing pieces to bring to your appointment. Cover any sharp corners or ends of wires with dental wax or sugarless gum until you arrive, and we will repair your braces.

Protruding/Poking Wire

Is a poking or protruding wire an emergency? Over time, a poking or protruding wire can cause significant irritation for your soft oral tissues. It might even lead to a painful infection. If at all possible, you should act quickly to correct the problem before it leads to serious issues.

How you should handle a poking or protruding wire: You may be able to use a cotton swap or clean pencil eraser to gently move the protruding wire so it is flat against your teeth and is no longer poking you. You can also use orthodontic wax or sugar-free gum to place a barrier between it and your soft tissues. At your next appointment, we can put it back in place for you.

Mouth Sores or Irritation

Are mouth sores or irritation an emergency? Some mild irritation and mouth sores are normal with braces. As your mouth adjusts to your orthodontic appliances, you should find that they become easier and easier to tolerate. Most mouth sores heal on their own within several days.

How you should handle mouth sores or irritation: Orthodontic wax can place a protective barrier over your braces, which can help to reduce irritation. Cool temperatures can soothe swelling, so you can sip on cold drinks or suck on a sugar-free popsicle. If necessary, take over-the-counter pain relievers. If your mouth sores frequently recur or do not heal smoothly, call our team for assistance. We will determine if there are infections or other problems that require professional treatment.

Broken Ligature

Is a broken ligature an emergency? Ligatures are the tiny rubber bands that connect your arch wire to your brackets. While a single broken ligature might not seem like a big deal, it might indicate that others will break soon. Several broken ligatures could compromise the effectiveness of your braces, so it is important that the situation be addressed promptly.

How you should handle a broken ligature: If the ligature is still intact, you may be able to carefully replace it by yourself. Tweezers can help you get a good grip on it. If it is unusable or lost, call our office so we can arrange to replace it for you.

Cut Lips, Cheeks, or Tongue

Is a cut lip, cheek, or tongue an emergency? If you suffer a blow to your face, it might cause your braces to cut your soft oral tissues. In most cases, these cuts are minor and do not qualify as a true emergency. They often heal on their own with basic first-aid care.

How you should handle a cut lip, cheek, or tongue: Clean the area with water to remove debris, and apply gentle pressure to help control bleeding. You can use a cold compress to ease swelling and take over-the-counter pain relievers. However, if the bleeding goes on for more than 10 minutes or is very heavy, visit the local emergency department. They can stitch the wound closed for you. If there is damage to your braces, call our office for assistance.

Something Stuck Between the Teeth  

Is Having Something Stuck Between the Teeth an Emergency? Usually, no. In fact, with the instructions below, you should be able to handle this situation quickly and from the comfort of your own home. That said, don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have a question or need to schedule an appointment – we’re just a phone call away, and we’re here to help!

How You Should Handle Something Stuck Between the Teeth First, we recommend dissolving some salt in warm water and rinsing with the mixture for about 30 seconds at a time. Not only will this help alleviate inflammation, but it will also help loosen the debris. When you’re done, use floss to gently clean between your teeth. (We do NOT recommend using something sharp, like tweezers).

Broken/Lost Aligner or Retainer  

Is a Broken/Lost Aligner or Retainer an Emergency? Since a broken/lost aligner or a broken/lost retainer can negatively impact the alignment of your teeth, we recommend contacting us ASAP. Once we know more about your situation, including where you are in the teeth-straightening process, we can let you know if a same-day visit to our office is necessary.

How You Should Handle a Broken or Lost Aligner/Retainer Since every situation is different, calling us is an important first step. If you’ve lost an aligner, but you’re only a day or two away from progressing to the next set, then we will likely recommend doing so a bit early. If you’ve broken your retainer, then we may ask you to continue to wear it with the utmost care while a replacement is made.

Loose Teeth  

Are Loose Teeth an Emergency? A loose permanent tooth is usually a warning sign of trouble. During the teeth-straightening process, however, it’s expected from time to time. In other words, it doesn’t necessarily warrant an emergency visit, but you should get in touch with us if it feels like your tooth is so loose that it’s going to fall out.

How You Should Handle Loose Teeth Basically, you want to avoid doing anything that will make the situation worse, like wiggling the tooth with your finger or eating extremely crunchy foods. A few days after your adjustment appointment or the transition to a new set of aligners, your teeth should adjust and no longer feel loose. If that’s not the case, then call our Jacksonville office ASAP.